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Greece / The Armenian cultural and educational dance group club of “Hamazkayin”



The Armenian cultural and educational
dance group club of



       The Armenian cultural and educational dance group club of “Hamazkayin”, located in the Armenian community of Greece consists of three groups : “Nairi”, “Nanor”, “Maralo”. The main goal of this dance group is to maintain the national identity, the cultural tradition and to present the Armenian culture by establishing choirs, theatrical and dance groups. The nature of the dance group is dancing Armenian folk dances as well as the improvisation of some dances based on Armenian folk dances.


       In 1995 a professional choreographer named Hovanes Chatsikyan was called in Athens and took over the dance group.


       Since 2011 and on the choreographies of the group are being done by Edgar Egyan.


       Dance Performances have taken place in Athens and Thessaloniki (theatres:Dora Stratou,Brachon,Akropol,Municipal theatre of Piraeus,Roes,Katrakeio,Athinaikon,Miki Theodoraki,Kalouta,Delfinario,Hellenic American College,College Of Athens,Concert Hall of Thessaloniki) with the leading performance in Herodium. The participation in some festivals inside and outside of Attica have taken place in Thessaloniki, Alexsadroupoli, Komotini, Corinth,Ilia,Creta,Siros,Samos.








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